In this post, we discuss the various areas where vendors can apply the information they gather from their PRM platforms to make their overall channel management process more effective.
Partner recruitment
Partner data helps in multiple ways when it comes to improving partner recruitment efforts. For example,
- Having potential partner data insights can help vendors target their partner recruitment efforts towards the right partner
- Data related to top-performing existing partners can help vendors identify the ideal partner profile-one that works best for them
- Tracking potential partner data can also help vendors understand potential partner behavior and adjust their partner recruitment strategy accordingly
Driving partner engagement
When vendors have access to partner data, they can use the information to drive partner engagement. Vendors can optimize their to-partner marketing efforts, partner programs, and partner training and certification modules to elicit maximum partner engagement with their brand.
Business planning
Access to partner data can help in better business planning. Understanding how the existing partner network is performing can help vendors plan their channel growth better. It also helps vendors and partners collaborate effectively in joint business planning activities.
Prioritization & automation
Vendors with in-depth insight of partner data will be able to better understand and prioritize internal resources and tools. One of the key challenges in the channel-based sales model is, partners often feel they lack the support they need from vendors on the sales and marketing front on a consistent basis, beyond the initial, onboarding phase. With partner data, vendors will be able to identify the critical areas where partners need their support and also understand the strengths and weaknesses of each partner and the partner pool in general. This helps them focus their resources, tools, and technology on areas where they are needed the most.
Mindmatrix is a leading provider of PRM software, channel partner marketing software and sales ecosystems enablement solutions including partner portal software. Since its inception in 1998, Mindmatrix has been focused on helping companies sell more, faster. A pioneer of sales (direct & indirect) and marketing enablement technology, today Mindmatrix is the only company offering a fully unified platform (Bridge ™) that connects and enables sales (direct & indirect), marketing, alliances and partner ecosystems. Backed by Mindmatrix's innovation and expertise, Bridge expands sales ecosystem enablement beyond its traditional boundaries to cover not just Sales Ecosystem Enablement, but also Partner Marketing and Multi-vendor Solutions Management